At the helm of the company is Warren A. Campbell, founder, president, and CEO of WOWWII. He has over 30 years experience in the direct sales arena. Warren built one of the most successful network marketing businesses in Europe. He has been one of the most sort-after direct sales consultants in the UK and he decided to use his experience to establish WOWWII and its success.


Our goals and vision are ambitious. As we successfully build the North America Market, we will look to establish a presence in new markets as we grow. The opportunity to be involved with WOWWII today will never be as great an opportunity then it is now.


Our leadership team is held to the highest accountability, putting our Independent Business Owners and customers first and foremost. Our promise is to uphold the highest moral standards based on our core beliefs and traditions.

Your success is closely tied to your WOWWII business and our company’s vision. It is a vision that will out-live this generation, the next generation and beyond. WOWWII’s philosophy includes a simple question each Independent Business Owner should ask at the end of the day; ‘how many customers did I help today’ and ‘how many people did I offer the opportunity to change their life.’